Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Plato vs the gospel of John Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plato vs the gospel of John - Essay Example There is a great power of soul and this fact cannot be denied. Soul is responsible for self-movement and in case it is unable to move, then it loses its power and remains standing still on the Earth. A human being is associated with an earthy frame for the soul and once it is captured in this frame, it results in a mortal human being. In the gospel by John the main emphasis is made on the importance of a human being as a child of light. There is no serious emphasis made on motion, but it is more important to associate a human being with light. People are children of light for sure and this fact underlines that their souls and bodies are highlighted. Once a human being meets darkness and is captured by the hands of darkness, he feels destroyed. Moreover, there is more about a way of perfection in the gospel. Jesus clarifies pure truths to his followers and claims that it is necessary to follow his words and love him, because Jesus loves people and wants to breed the same feelings amon g his followers. Jesus is positioned as a mediator between God and people on the Earth. He outlines possible ways to self-perfection in the modern world. A way to God is a way of teachings and instructions of this divine entity imposed on the followers. Nevertheless, there is a strong necessity of every Christian to follow this thorny path and to live in compliance with the laws of God. A blind following the laws of God underlines a strong inner power of his follower and makes his people strong-willed and self-confident in case they are able to listen to the words of their Teacher. Therefore, in both abstracts there is a discussion about a way of perfection and the role of the soul. For Plato the role of the soul is one of the most crucial for every human being. Every soul should be open for a proper food and in this case it will not lose its wings. It is possible to claim that Plato considers a challenging way of the soul’s development on the Earth and in case this soul obta ins knowledge absolute in existence absolute than it returns to the Heaven and comes back home. Therefore, to reach the Heaven is to follow all the directions of God and be a strong person, which is striving to reach God’s goodness and tolerance. The highest part of the soul reflects its ability to be open to God’s new prospects and considerations. Thus, Plato is more focused on the power of soul and inner harmony, while in the gospel there is a clear dominance of a human ability to follow God’s laws. Still, a way of perfection and further life of the soul depends on the human ability to follow the laws of God. Otherwise it is impossible to reach forgiveness, tolerance, to love God and to be loved by him. There are different types of the souls and depending on the way the soul lived a life in certain frames, it will either survive or not in the human embodiment on the Earth. Of course, there are more philosophic considerations in the work by Plato, but there are more religious ideas in the gospel by John. Two different modes of narration are united by a common theme of God’s doctrine. Perfection of a human being is a perfection of his soul. This fact cannot be denied and it is evident that a human being has numerous opportunities to follow his way, but only the most steady, tolerant and patient ones, which are able to listen to the words of God will become immortal creatures and enable their souls to live many other life cycles. Therefore, a way of perfecti

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Hospital Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Hospital Management - Essay Example This hospital is isolated from the public during the rainy seasons since the roads are impassible. It receives funds for running its affairs from various organizations. The bed management system is a system that involves crucial issues that improve on the rate of efficiency at the hospitals projects. The problems within the hospital can be solved though implementing the bed management system. With the introduction of the bed management system, an auditor may be in a position to audit the transactions taking place in the right way in the institution. The value of this system is to provide the organization with proper management techniques through determining the hospitals capacity and having a current and forecasted program that indicates the number of beds that are demanded by the source and the status of the pending discharges. The incorporation of sophisticated workflow system and rules that are tailored towards improving the status of the organization should also be incorporated within the organization. It has been observed that the hospital looses their patients due to diversion, delay, cancellations and isolations during the rainy seasons but the problem can be solved through optimally utilizing the beds turns, eliminating the hidden costs and unnecessary holds as well as accelerating the rate of the discharges within the hospital. ... The implementation of the management or the patient in ternary module can be used to reduce the unnecessary delays through having a central expediting care process and also help in the discharge of the tasks of the hospital in the right way. The patient management system can be used to ensure that tasks are completed at the right time through making proper coordination programs, real-time communications, task queuing and the escalation of the notifications in the appropriate way (Wolper, 2004: 866). Electronic management system would ensure that the hospital is in a position to cut the cost of operations and ensure that the affairs of the organization are undertaken in the right manner. The operation would ensure that the response time required to process the patient's information is indeed the right one and therefore the process of collating, collecting and retrieving of information would be undertaken in the right way. The system helps in the provision of the process management tools such as the modeling, analysis and simulation of information within an organization. The usefulness of implementing the above systems is that it would provide proper delivery of services to the patients, improve the health status of the patients, increase the rate of productivity of the nurses and the doctors and it reduces the time spent when filling in the patients details in the forms. The patients may also be given proper care at the hospital and this would enable it to reduce its costs of operation. The auditor would be in a better position to understand the way the transactions take place to reduce time spent while tracking hospitals activities. The