Saturday, December 28, 2019

Financial Ratio Analysis Notes Essay - 662 Words

3-2 Financial ratio analysis is conducted by managers, equity investors, long-term creditors, and short-term creditors. What is the primary emphasis of each of these groups in evaluating ratios? Managers use financial statements to monitor measurements like debt leverage, costs, sales, assets and liabilities. Financial statements help managers assess achievement of financial goals. Analysis of financial ratio helps equity investors to know whether their investment earnings any return or not. The emphasis would be placed on whether the company earning higher or lower return compared to previous year, the industry average and the biggest competitors within the same industry. Analysis of financial ratios assists Short term creditors to†¦show more content†¦Think particularly about the turnover ratios, the profit margin, and Du Pont equation. Profit margin is the ratio between revenue and income. Business with higher profit margin have lower cost of sales and therefore a high profit while business with lower profit margin have higher cost of sales. Thus businesses with a low margin needs to have high volume to sales to make up for the low margin. Turnover ratios show how many times a year company is replacing their inventories or collecting their debtors. Higher turnover indicates that company is producing and selling their products quickly and lower turnover ratio indicates that company is producing and selling their products late. Grocery chains like Safeway are business that have lower profit margin, high turnover ratio and therefore a higher volume of business transaction whereas a steel company is a business that has a higher profit margin, low turnover ratio and therefore a lower volume of business transactions. 3-6 Why is it sometimes misleading to compare a company’s financial ratios with those of other firms that operate in the same industry? Answer: Within the same industry some of the firm may operate in their growth stage of business life cycle and some may operate in maturity and introduction stage. The size of the firm may also vary from company to company within the same industry. Some firm may diversified their product all around theShow MoreRelatedAbercrombie Fitch vs. HM: Financial Analysis848 Words   |  3 Pagesthough they are both forms of retained earnings. The reserves and paid-in capital on the different statements appear to be roughly analogous. Of the two companies, only Abercrombie Fitch has treasury shares. It does not, however, disclose in the notes the reason that it reacquired these shares. 2. The Abercrombie Fitch income statement reveals that for the fiscal year 2011 the basic earnings per share were $1.47 and the diluted earnings per share were $1.43. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Who Is Responsible for the Downfall of Oedipus Fate or...

WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DOWNFALL OF OEDIPUS, IS IT FATE OR FREE WILL? In Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus is responsible for the tragedy of his downfall. Oedipus is presented with a series of choices throughout the play, and his arrogant and stubborn nature push him to impulsively make the wrong decisions, the decisions that ultimately lead him to his downfall. While Oedipus and those around him consider fate the source of Oedipus problems, Oedipus decisions show the audience that it is he who is responsible. Oedipus is a man of constant action. When the priests come to ask for his help, he has already dispatched Creon to the oracle to find out what the gods suggest. When the chorus suggests that†¦show more content†¦Sophocles use of blindness in the play gives the reader/audience more insight into Oedipus flaws, and Oedipus flaws are what cause him to fulfill the prophecy. Therefore, Sophocles, in a complexly roundabout way, does in fact hint at the possibility that Oedipus was simply careless. Oedipus has plenty of oppor tunities to make a better choice; he is just blind to those opportunities because of his flaws. He becomes convinced that Tiresias and Creon are plotting to overthrow him, though he has no evidence to prove it and thus insults the seer which was a great crime at that time because he let himself be ruled by his anger. When Teiresias announces to Oedipus that the accursed polluter of this land is you A different man might well stop at this point, calm down, and ask Teiresias what he meant. That is to say, a different man might have stopped hanging onto his own certainties; confident that they were the truth, and have listened carefully to what someone else had to say but Oedipus is not that sort of person. In fact, rather than listen to Teiresias, Oedipus reminds everyone of his previous triumph over the Sphinx, stressing that Teiresias failed to help Thebes then. Oedipus has spent all his life running from his fate. He has, we learn, been told that he is fated to kill his father and marry his mother. And he refused to accept that fate. He has spent much of his life moving around, so as to avoid his fate. It was aShow MoreRelatedFate And Free Will : Oedipus The King1136 Words   |  5 PagesClearly depicted, in Oedipus the King, is the Greek s popular belief that fate will control a man s life in spite of man s free will. Throughout the story, the concept of fate and free will plays an integral part in Oedipus destruction and ultimately the death of his family. Destined to marry his mother and murder his father, Oedipus was guided by fate. When Oedipus learns of his fate he immediately tries to prevent it, as did his mother and father. 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His parentsRead More Boundaries of Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King1282 Words   |  6 PagesBoundaries of Fate and Free Will in Oedipus the King    The ancient Greeks firmly believed that the universe was guided strictly by order and fate. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles has examined the relationship between free will and fate, suggesting that free will paradoxically exists inside the boundaries of fate. It may be concluded, however, that man has free will and is ultimately held responsible for his own actions.    Oedipus destruction was brought about by a combination of fate and freeRead MoreEssay about Fate vs. Free Will (Oedipus Rex)607 Words   |  3 PagesFate vs. Free Will Sophocles creates a world that makes the reader think about the complex and mysterious battle between fate and free will in his play Oedipus The King. To the characters, fate is real and that’s what they believe in. The audience sees that Oedipus is the one making the divisions and altimetry it is himself that leads to his downfall. Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, intellectual pursuits and pelage, told Oedipus about his tragic future. When we first encounter OedipusRead MoreFate vs Free Will in Sophocles ´ Oedipus Rex and Shakespeare ´s Macbeth1487 Words   |  6 PagesFate and free will are two topics that are often questionable because they go hand in hand. Fate is a belief that a certain event is said to happen, then that persons choice and free will lead them to what has been predicted as inevitable. Knowing whether something is fate’s fault or the fault of the person who’s going to enact the said action, is one question that has never been fully answered. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex and Shakespeares Macbeth, fate is determined by their own choices and freeRead MoreOedipus The King And Antigone948 Words   |  4 Pagesa certain fate but if destinies are fixed they cannot be altered. Sophocles supports the notion that free will eludes us in works such as Oedipus the King and Antigone. Oedipus, Creon, Antigone, and Tiresias are characters in these epics whose lives represented the battle of truth and wisdom. Oedipus attempted to escape the prophecy in which he killed his own father and married his mother. He hastily discovered his past while trying to cure his city, and his efforts to change his fate fail when theRead MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus The King917 Words   |  4 PagesThose who believe they can triumph over fate deserve to be crushed by the overwhelming weight of reality that will come crashing down on them. Ordinarily confidence yields benefit in moderation, however, it proves damaging when used excessively. Oedipus the King was written by Sophocles thousands of years ago as a cautionary tale about hubris. As a king, Oedipus rules over the city of Thebes with an arrogant attitude and believes that he can defy the gods. Through the events of the novella, OedipusRead MoreOedipus Fate Essay843 Words   |  4 PagesOedipus the King is a story about a promi nent king torn by fate and the effect his own actions have upon his destiny. Much can be learned from the catastrophic story of Oedipus, who was prophesied to kill his father, to marry and have children with his own mother. As soon as Oedipus learns of this prophecy, he tries desperately to escape it, by running from his hometown, and even avoiding his supposed parents. Despite the fact that fate may have played some role in Oedipus demise, it ultimately

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dramatically change Essay Example For Students

Dramatically change Essay Camerons disguise and deception as an adequate French tutor as a desperate attempt to attract the attention of Bianca in 10 Things I hate About you is an example of where deception and disguise becomes a key theme in the story. Cameron and Michael are discussing Bianca one more when Michael reveals that Bianca is actually looking for a French tutor an opportunity deemed perfect by Cameron. Michael then asks if Cameron even speaks French, and Camerons reply Well no, but I will is self explanatory. Jill Junge uses a close-up from the shoulders up to express the exasperated and jovial emotions and reactions of Cameron and Michael. The characters are smack in the middle of the screen as the camera revolves around them, giving insight into the setting and happenings of the high school world. Such mise en scene also sheds light on the fact that the world still continues while Cameron plans any opportunity to interact with the girl of his dreams, and that their scheme of deception and disguise is only a mere few meters away from the target girl herself. These film techniques help to establish the theme and role of deception and disguise in both Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I hate About You. The role of women in relationships or societies in both Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You have generally been portrayed as one that requires very meek, submissive and humble behaviour, though obviously, there are some exceptions. In Taming of the Shrew, Katherina started off as a very emotional, angry, witty and independent woman who refused to listen to all men alike. However, as evident in her speech at the wedding banquet of Bianca and Lucentio, her values, opinion and demeanour upon husbands in particular seem to dramatically change. Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign one who cares for thee. The use of such respectful words of gratitude and admiration for a husband conveys how she ultimately sees her role as a wife and woman. Shakespeare creates her monologue at the end to signify the importance of her speech and reveal the seemingly dramatic change of the shrew, which was once angry and uncontrollable, now turned over a new leaf. Katherina Minolas monologue which reveals the role of women in society and in a relationship at the end of the play can be compared once again to that of Kat Stratfords own monologue at the end of the filmic text. Although Kat lives in a modern high school world where the role of women in society isnt challenged as significantly and her role in her relationship with Patrick isnt specifically relevant, Jill Junge also tries and recreates the similar idea of a shrew being tamed down. At the end, Kat offers to come to the front of her class, and read out her poetry assignment. but mostly I hate the way I dont hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. This simple statement gives such a deep insight into Kats personality, and the audience learns that though she may maintain a violent, livid and ill-tempered faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade on the outside, inside, she is still very much a human being capable of feeling complex emotions. During this scene, the camera gradually zooms closer into her face, so that the anguish and hurt she expresses is conveyed very directly, her tears and facial expressions not omissible. In conclusion, through comparison of dramatic and film techniques alike used for the three common themes evident in the two set texts of Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew and Junges 10 Things I Hate About You, marriage and dating, deception and disguise and the role of women in society/relationships, the composers have been able to convey similar ideas through different methods.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Chevy Aveo free essay sample

As I insert the key into the ignition of my 2006 Chevy Aveo, I pause for a second and take a deep breath. â€Å"Please don’t fail me this time Ole Faithful†, for my little beat-up car is known for its bad luck and awful retail value. But somewhere along the line, that atrocious black vehicle has slowly become apart of me, describing myself in ways I never thought were possible. My car is only seven years old and has already been put through the worst possible situations an automobile could go through. Me, I am seventeen and have been put through some pretty tough conditions throughout life. Even though we are both so young and eager to explore this crazy world, giving up is not an option for there will always be a car mechanic or even a shrink that can fix us. If somebody would have told me years ago that my car would change who I was I would have never believed it. We will write a custom essay sample on Chevy Aveo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is still absurd to me that my dented up, no side view mirror, and detached bumpers type of car taught me an important life lesson: â€Å"never give up, no matter what you are going through†. I will take this quote with me when I start to plan the next phase in my life and cannot wait to see what this world has planned for Ole Faithful and I.