Saturday, December 28, 2019

Financial Ratio Analysis Notes Essay - 662 Words

3-2 Financial ratio analysis is conducted by managers, equity investors, long-term creditors, and short-term creditors. What is the primary emphasis of each of these groups in evaluating ratios? Managers use financial statements to monitor measurements like debt leverage, costs, sales, assets and liabilities. Financial statements help managers assess achievement of financial goals. Analysis of financial ratio helps equity investors to know whether their investment earnings any return or not. The emphasis would be placed on whether the company earning higher or lower return compared to previous year, the industry average and the biggest competitors within the same industry. Analysis of financial ratios assists Short term creditors to†¦show more content†¦Think particularly about the turnover ratios, the profit margin, and Du Pont equation. Profit margin is the ratio between revenue and income. Business with higher profit margin have lower cost of sales and therefore a high profit while business with lower profit margin have higher cost of sales. Thus businesses with a low margin needs to have high volume to sales to make up for the low margin. Turnover ratios show how many times a year company is replacing their inventories or collecting their debtors. Higher turnover indicates that company is producing and selling their products quickly and lower turnover ratio indicates that company is producing and selling their products late. Grocery chains like Safeway are business that have lower profit margin, high turnover ratio and therefore a higher volume of business transaction whereas a steel company is a business that has a higher profit margin, low turnover ratio and therefore a lower volume of business transactions. 3-6 Why is it sometimes misleading to compare a company’s financial ratios with those of other firms that operate in the same industry? Answer: Within the same industry some of the firm may operate in their growth stage of business life cycle and some may operate in maturity and introduction stage. The size of the firm may also vary from company to company within the same industry. Some firm may diversified their product all around theShow MoreRelatedAbercrombie Fitch vs. HM: Financial Analysis848 Words   |  3 Pagesthough they are both forms of retained earnings. The reserves and paid-in capital on the different statements appear to be roughly analogous. Of the two companies, only Abercrombie Fitch has treasury shares. It does not, however, disclose in the notes the reason that it reacquired these shares. 2. The Abercrombie Fitch income statement reveals that for the fiscal year 2011 the basic earnings per share were $1.47 and the diluted earnings per share were $1.43. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Who Is Responsible for the Downfall of Oedipus Fate or...

WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DOWNFALL OF OEDIPUS, IS IT FATE OR FREE WILL? In Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus is responsible for the tragedy of his downfall. Oedipus is presented with a series of choices throughout the play, and his arrogant and stubborn nature push him to impulsively make the wrong decisions, the decisions that ultimately lead him to his downfall. While Oedipus and those around him consider fate the source of Oedipus problems, Oedipus decisions show the audience that it is he who is responsible. Oedipus is a man of constant action. When the priests come to ask for his help, he has already dispatched Creon to the oracle to find out what the gods suggest. When the chorus suggests that†¦show more content†¦Sophocles use of blindness in the play gives the reader/audience more insight into Oedipus flaws, and Oedipus flaws are what cause him to fulfill the prophecy. Therefore, Sophocles, in a complexly roundabout way, does in fact hint at the possibility that Oedipus was simply careless. Oedipus has plenty of oppor tunities to make a better choice; he is just blind to those opportunities because of his flaws. He becomes convinced that Tiresias and Creon are plotting to overthrow him, though he has no evidence to prove it and thus insults the seer which was a great crime at that time because he let himself be ruled by his anger. When Teiresias announces to Oedipus that the accursed polluter of this land is you A different man might well stop at this point, calm down, and ask Teiresias what he meant. That is to say, a different man might have stopped hanging onto his own certainties; confident that they were the truth, and have listened carefully to what someone else had to say but Oedipus is not that sort of person. In fact, rather than listen to Teiresias, Oedipus reminds everyone of his previous triumph over the Sphinx, stressing that Teiresias failed to help Thebes then. Oedipus has spent all his life running from his fate. He has, we learn, been told that he is fated to kill his father and marry his mother. And he refused to accept that fate. He has spent much of his life moving around, so as to avoid his fate. It was aShow MoreRelatedFate And Free Will : Oedipus The King1136 Words   |  5 PagesClearly depicted, in Oedipus the King, is the Greek s popular belief that fate will control a man s life in spite of man s free will. Throughout the story, the concept of fate and free will plays an integral part in Oedipus destruction and ultimately the death of his family. Destined to marry his mother and murder his father, Oedipus was guided by fate. When Oedipus learns of his fate he immediately tries to prevent it, as did his mother and father. This prophecy, as warned by the Oracle ofRead MoreOedipus Rex, by Sophocles822 Words   |  4 Pagesrelates to Oedipus’s situation from Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Sophocles‘ Oedipus Rex tells the story of a monarch named Oedipus whowho becomes the unfortunate victim of circumstances beyond his control. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus‘ downfall is not a result of excessive hubris or his actions, but rather his parents’ disgraceful actions and uncontrollable aspects of fate. Oedipus’ parents actions and decisions are a major element in Oedipus’ tragic downfall. Before Oedipus is born, Laius and Jocasta, theRead MoreComparing the Downfalls of Sophocles Oedipus and Shakespeares Othello1262 Words   |  6 Pages Oedipus and Othello were both honorable and heroic men that became the victims of tragic downfalls that can be compared and contrasted with each other. Sophocles, the writer of Oedipus the King, and Williams Shakespeare, the writer of Othello, were both enormously influential playwrights of their respective generations and their legacy continues today. The two playwrights made their masterpieces during different eras; Sophocles life coincided with the Golden Age of Greek tragedy and ShakespeareRead MoreOedipus The King By Sophocles950 Words   |  4 PagesThe people throughout Oedipus’ life trues very hard to allow him to escape his fate of killing his father and then marrying his mother. In the epic poem Oedipus the King, Sophocles tells the story of the tragic downfall of Oedipus. Although many people see the role of free will that brought upon Oedipus’ doom, no matter what choices were made throughout his life, his ultimate fate would always return. The choices made at the beginning of Oedipus’ life set him up to fulfill his prophecy. His parentsRead More Boundaries of Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King1282 Words   |  6 PagesBoundaries of Fate and Free Will in Oedipus the King    The ancient Greeks firmly believed that the universe was guided strictly by order and fate. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles has examined the relationship between free will and fate, suggesting that free will paradoxically exists inside the boundaries of fate. It may be concluded, however, that man has free will and is ultimately held responsible for his own actions.    Oedipus destruction was brought about by a combination of fate and freeRead MoreEssay about Fate vs. Free Will (Oedipus Rex)607 Words   |  3 PagesFate vs. Free Will Sophocles creates a world that makes the reader think about the complex and mysterious battle between fate and free will in his play Oedipus The King. To the characters, fate is real and that’s what they believe in. The audience sees that Oedipus is the one making the divisions and altimetry it is himself that leads to his downfall. Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, intellectual pursuits and pelage, told Oedipus about his tragic future. When we first encounter OedipusRead MoreFate vs Free Will in Sophocles ´ Oedipus Rex and Shakespeare ´s Macbeth1487 Words   |  6 PagesFate and free will are two topics that are often questionable because they go hand in hand. Fate is a belief that a certain event is said to happen, then that persons choice and free will lead them to what has been predicted as inevitable. Knowing whether something is fate’s fault or the fault of the person who’s going to enact the said action, is one question that has never been fully answered. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex and Shakespeares Macbeth, fate is determined by their own choices and freeRead MoreOedipus The King And Antigone948 Words   |  4 Pagesa certain fate but if destinies are fixed they cannot be altered. Sophocles supports the notion that free will eludes us in works such as Oedipus the King and Antigone. Oedipus, Creon, Antigone, and Tiresias are characters in these epics whose lives represented the battle of truth and wisdom. Oedipus attempted to escape the prophecy in which he killed his own father and married his mother. He hastily discovered his past while trying to cure his city, and his efforts to change his fate fail when theRead MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus The King917 Words   |  4 PagesThose who believe they can triumph over fate deserve to be crushed by the overwhelming weight of reality that will come crashing down on them. Ordinarily confidence yields benefit in moderation, however, it proves damaging when used excessively. Oedipus the King was written by Sophocles thousands of years ago as a cautionary tale about hubris. As a king, Oedipus rules over the city of Thebes with an arrogant attitude and believes that he can defy the gods. Through the events of the novella, OedipusRead MoreOedipus Fate Essay843 Words   |  4 PagesOedipus the King is a story about a promi nent king torn by fate and the effect his own actions have upon his destiny. Much can be learned from the catastrophic story of Oedipus, who was prophesied to kill his father, to marry and have children with his own mother. As soon as Oedipus learns of this prophecy, he tries desperately to escape it, by running from his hometown, and even avoiding his supposed parents. Despite the fact that fate may have played some role in Oedipus demise, it ultimately

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dramatically change Essay Example For Students

Dramatically change Essay Camerons disguise and deception as an adequate French tutor as a desperate attempt to attract the attention of Bianca in 10 Things I hate About you is an example of where deception and disguise becomes a key theme in the story. Cameron and Michael are discussing Bianca one more when Michael reveals that Bianca is actually looking for a French tutor an opportunity deemed perfect by Cameron. Michael then asks if Cameron even speaks French, and Camerons reply Well no, but I will is self explanatory. Jill Junge uses a close-up from the shoulders up to express the exasperated and jovial emotions and reactions of Cameron and Michael. The characters are smack in the middle of the screen as the camera revolves around them, giving insight into the setting and happenings of the high school world. Such mise en scene also sheds light on the fact that the world still continues while Cameron plans any opportunity to interact with the girl of his dreams, and that their scheme of deception and disguise is only a mere few meters away from the target girl herself. These film techniques help to establish the theme and role of deception and disguise in both Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I hate About You. The role of women in relationships or societies in both Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You have generally been portrayed as one that requires very meek, submissive and humble behaviour, though obviously, there are some exceptions. In Taming of the Shrew, Katherina started off as a very emotional, angry, witty and independent woman who refused to listen to all men alike. However, as evident in her speech at the wedding banquet of Bianca and Lucentio, her values, opinion and demeanour upon husbands in particular seem to dramatically change. Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign one who cares for thee. The use of such respectful words of gratitude and admiration for a husband conveys how she ultimately sees her role as a wife and woman. Shakespeare creates her monologue at the end to signify the importance of her speech and reveal the seemingly dramatic change of the shrew, which was once angry and uncontrollable, now turned over a new leaf. Katherina Minolas monologue which reveals the role of women in society and in a relationship at the end of the play can be compared once again to that of Kat Stratfords own monologue at the end of the filmic text. Although Kat lives in a modern high school world where the role of women in society isnt challenged as significantly and her role in her relationship with Patrick isnt specifically relevant, Jill Junge also tries and recreates the similar idea of a shrew being tamed down. At the end, Kat offers to come to the front of her class, and read out her poetry assignment. but mostly I hate the way I dont hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. This simple statement gives such a deep insight into Kats personality, and the audience learns that though she may maintain a violent, livid and ill-tempered faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade on the outside, inside, she is still very much a human being capable of feeling complex emotions. During this scene, the camera gradually zooms closer into her face, so that the anguish and hurt she expresses is conveyed very directly, her tears and facial expressions not omissible. In conclusion, through comparison of dramatic and film techniques alike used for the three common themes evident in the two set texts of Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew and Junges 10 Things I Hate About You, marriage and dating, deception and disguise and the role of women in society/relationships, the composers have been able to convey similar ideas through different methods.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Chevy Aveo free essay sample

As I insert the key into the ignition of my 2006 Chevy Aveo, I pause for a second and take a deep breath. â€Å"Please don’t fail me this time Ole Faithful†, for my little beat-up car is known for its bad luck and awful retail value. But somewhere along the line, that atrocious black vehicle has slowly become apart of me, describing myself in ways I never thought were possible. My car is only seven years old and has already been put through the worst possible situations an automobile could go through. Me, I am seventeen and have been put through some pretty tough conditions throughout life. Even though we are both so young and eager to explore this crazy world, giving up is not an option for there will always be a car mechanic or even a shrink that can fix us. If somebody would have told me years ago that my car would change who I was I would have never believed it. We will write a custom essay sample on Chevy Aveo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is still absurd to me that my dented up, no side view mirror, and detached bumpers type of car taught me an important life lesson: â€Å"never give up, no matter what you are going through†. I will take this quote with me when I start to plan the next phase in my life and cannot wait to see what this world has planned for Ole Faithful and I.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Eleanor Roosevelt Essay Example

Eleanor Roosevelt Paper Although she won much respect as thefirst lady Eleanor Roosevelt gained a lot of her international esteem as a civil rights activist long before that.Eleanors interest in politics did not begin when her husband began his career in politics.Once he was named to the Democratic ticket, as Vice President Eleanor became interested in politics.While Franklin was becoming governor of New York she was campaigning for him unknowing that she was advancing her political career as well.Once Eleanor becamefirst lady it was already done she had made a name for herself politically. Eleanors background in politics goes back to her Uncle Teddy who was once the President of the U.S.Eleanor married a young amiable Harvard student by the name of Franklin Roosevelt.But soon Franklin became bored with Business Law and Eleanor pushed him to go into politics.Aided by a Democratic landslide and his moms money he won State Senator from the Hyde Park District.But Eleanor hated Albany and was soon very happy t o leave.Franklin liked his newfound success in politics and his career prospered swiftly.He soon became an early backer of Woodrow Wilson as he ran for president, for his efforts he was awarded the job of Assistant Secretary of the Navy, the same job that propelled Eleanors Uncle Teddy to presidency.Eleanor liked Washington about as much as she liked Albany and spent little time there. In the years after that Franklin contacted polio and it was now up to Eleanor to keep his name before the public.Aided by Louis Howe she went on a mission to salvage her husbands career.Louis went to meetings that she spoke at and though it took much criticism he managed to get rid of her nervous giggle.Soon Eleanor gained confidence and accepted offers to write in magazines and appear on radio talk shows.She had joined many groups including the Womens Trade Union League and was also the chair of

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Brothers Case Analysis Essay

Brothers Case Analysis Essay Brothers Case Analysis Essay When faced with a question like this I can’t help but to think about what has happened in someone’s life where they would put their life in danger and other people’s lives in danger just for a few hours of fun. I once read an article about alcoholics and there was a quiz at the end of the article asking so many questions and if you answered â€Å"yes† to any of the questions then you were considered an alcoholic. One of the questions were â€Å"Do you drive after alcohol intake†, therefore statistically you are considered an alcoholic if you drink and drive. Reason being is because you basically don’t care what happens to you or anyone around you as long as you get a drink and that is what I think makes an alcoholic. With this being said I do not think that jail and/or prison is an effective deterrent against drinking and driving. Alcoholism is a disease; even though technically the person is excessively drinking by choice it is a result of d epression, being neglected and different issues within oneself which makes it a disease. People shouldn’t be punished for a disease where they essentially can’t control it; they need help in controlling themselves and getting better. I think a better solution would be to require people that are caught drinking and driving to go to a rehabilitation center or Alcohol Anonymous meetings opposed to jail time. This would be a better choice, because they will actually be working to better themselves instead of staring at four walls waiting to get out and get another drink. This will also decline the amount of drunk drivers and/or alcoholics in the future, because it wouldn’t be environmentally passed down to their children and younger family members. In most states today the penalties include lengthy license suspensions, possibly a little jail time, and a felony charge if you have over three DUI charges. The last consequence is the most detrimental, because there are many sub consequences that go along with it. People with felonies lose most of their civil rights, such as being able to vote or own a weapon as well as losing their license for many years or permanently. People under these circumstances have to go through a lot of in order to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Hospitality Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International Hospitality Industry - Essay Example The data were collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews and a review of archival data (Web sites, employee handbooks, newsletters, departmental forms) during 1998, 1999, and 2001. Key contacts included Gord Ahrens, former Director Employee Experience (1998, 1999) and his successor, Kirby Brown (2001). Understanding Human Resource Management: A Framework Within this section four distinct conceptions of HRM are presented: traditional HRM; integrative HRM; strategic HRM; and universal HRM. While empirical support for each of these perspectives exists, due in large measure to their degree of inter-relatedness, emerging research provides compelling support for the universal perspective. Storey (1992) explains that the concept of human resource management has attracted enormous attention and stimulated significant debate among academics and practitioners. (McGunnigle P., Jameson S., 2000, pp.403-421) Traditional HRM Traditional HRM (THRM) has its roots in personnel management. Its focus is on worker productivity through discrete HR practices such as selection, job design, and incentive pay practices (Bamberger and Meshoulam, 2000). Empirical THRM research has tended to focus on the link between these practices and various human behaviour and productivity variables (e.g. turnover, job satisfaction, labour costs). Support for this perspective has been found (see for example, Hackman and Oldham, 1980; Guzzo et al., 1985; McEvoy and Cascio, 1985; Weitzman and Kruse, 1990; Cutcher-Gershenfeld, 1991). It is also not always clear what effect first level outcomes (i.e. reduced labour costs) have on second level outcomes (e.g. product quality, sales, profits). Integrative HRM Integrative human resource... Within this section four distinct conceptions of HRM are presented: traditional HRM; integrative HRM; strategic HRM; and universal HRM. While empirical support for each of these perspectives exists, due in large measure to their degree of inter-relatedness, emerging research provides compelling support for the universal perspective. Storey (1992) explains that the concept of   human resource management has attracted enormous attention and stimulated significant debate among academics and practitioners.   (McGunnigle P., Jameson S., 2000, pp.403-421)Traditional HRM Traditional HRM (THRM) has its roots in personnel management. Its focus is on worker productivity through discrete HR practices such as selection, job design, and incentive pay practices (Bamberger and Meshoulam, 2000). Empirical THRM research has tended to focus on the link between these practices and various human behaviour and productivity variables (e.g. turnover, job satisfaction, labour costs). Support for this pe rspective has been found (see for example, Hackman and Oldham, 1980; Guzzo et al., 1985; McEvoy and Cascio, 1985; Weitzman and Kruse, 1990; Cutcher-Gershenfeld, 1991). It is also not always clear what effect first level outcomes (i.e. reduced labour costs) have on second level outcomes (e.g. product quality, sales, profits).Integrative HRM Integrative human resource management (IHRM) is also interested in the impact of various human resource practices, but focuses on their â€Å"congruency† (Beer et al., 1985).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Aerated Concrete Industries, Co Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aerated Concrete Industries, Co - Case Study Example The chosen business organization is Aerated Concrete Industries, Co. which is engaged in the core business of production and manufacturing of light weight blocs and reinforced slabs.On the other hand, ACICO's subsidiaries are into contracting/construction, real estate development and/or investment and engineering consultant office. Because of the diversity of its business units, ACICO employs a corporate strategy centered on cost leadership.ACICO employs the expertise of its multiple sub-units in order to efficiently manage costs and enhance its expertise. It should be noted that there is a strong coordination among ACICO's business units which enable it to build skeleton houses in a relatively short period of three days. After purchasing land, the investment in real estate moves to develop the property. The engineering office processes the necessary permits and creates the design. Afterwards, the contracting unit takes over to begin and finish the construction. It can be seen that a ll the processes in real estate development and construction are all undertaken in-house. In fact, ACICO's competitive advantage is its capacity to undertake every process in the value chain efficiently enabling it to develop high quality housing at lower costs than competitors.Being engaged in a highly capital intensive business operation, ACICO profits through economies of scale. Its multiple sub-units enable it to spread its expenditures in advertisement and administration in order to minimize unit production cost. The company has also developed expertise in different each value chain process allowing it to create high quality products and provide excellent services. The three main strategies discussed above consistently diversify risks and keep consistent cash flow by generating income from different sources as well as financial engineering. 2. Translate the Strategies Identified into Strategic Tasks The broad strategies mentioned above are efficiently carried out by ACICO through its operations. Intensive growth is expected to be achieved by exploring suitable opportunities with aim to expand by enlarging the scale of operations of its existing business operations. Through diligent implementation of this intensive growth strategy, ACICO becomes successful in entering the Dubai, Saudi Arabian, Qatar markets with its Autoclaved Aerated Concrete plants and is currently working to penetrate the market and improve its market share by forging alliance with renowned local partners possessing who are proven market influences and share good local standing. This enables it to attain its objective of increasing shareholder wealth by expanding in core knowledgeable business. Integrative growth is undertaken through the implementation of backward, forward, and horizontal integration within the construction and real estate industry. Management intends exploiting the opportunities offered throughout this industry's value chain, which ultimately slows greater operating flexibility, reduces reliance on third party providers, deliver quality client service and offer competitive products to customers. This serves ACICO's objective of maximizing shareholder wealth by operating in all spheres of the construction and real estate value chain. The implementation of diversification growth strategy is intended to multiply growth prospects by focusing on profitable business ventures outside its core businesses. ACICO does this through a detailed mapping of the market prior to any decision to venture and is considered

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Case Analysis - Essay Example   This is due to low costs, and a new  division  is rapidly taking root. This paper will focus on a SWOT analysis of ISHR firm (Anja 1). Strengths of ISHR lie in the fact that they are a highly profitable firm. The company records excellent profit results from its business undertakings. The company also enjoys the benefit of having large companies such as Coca Cola and General Electric as their clients. The company lacks a chief financial officer to control and manage its finances. The company’s website is also not well built. The company has a poor marketing strategy that relies on word of mouth and no face to face marketing. Poor marketing strategy ensures that the company has a poor relationship with its clients. ISHR firm recorded double digit growth in 2008, and this signifies that the company can improve and continue its growth financially to enable its sustainability. The company can also strengthen its business acumen by enabling a proper and robust website for prospective clients. ISHR  firm’s total sales, nearly eighty percent, come from two large  corporations. The company over relies on these two clients for its financial success. This provides an extensive threat towards the company since if the two clients pull out; they face a significant financial collapse. ISHR firm should focus on improving its website to allow for a more user friendly interface that enables for easier navigation. The company should focus on networking for clients using its two prominent clients. This will ensure that they are able to spread the source for their sales. They should not rely entirely on the two corporations for the majority of their sales. The company can also use social sites, facebook and twitter, to reach out to prospective clients as a marketing tool. The company should develop a business plan which will detail on their business activity, goals, objectives, vision and mission. A business plan

Friday, November 15, 2019


Case study: ANXIETY DISORDER Feeling anxious is a normal part of our life. We all feel anxious every now and then, at one time or another. For example, having to present a project in front of a class, having dinner for the first time with the in-laws, or expecting a baby may make anyone feel anxious. Its perfectly okay. It is when the anxiety is persistent, unexplainable, and intense that it interferes with an individual from having a normal day and disrupts ones life goals, then it becomes a disorder. Its when the autonomic nervous system is stimulated (Warren and Zgourides, 164). It is when a person worry so much that its difficult on ones concentration because the focus goes from worrying about one thing to worrying about another thing (Myers, 462). To protect themselves from the anxiety, the people then builds up mechanisms for avoidance by thinking of the things over and over, or perform a ritual. According to Sherman, environmental conditions, and psychological is a factor combinations that include social and genetic disposition, (Widerhold, 31). Somatic symptoms of an anxiety disorder are dizziness, insomnia, weakness, fatigue, dry mouth, palpitations, diarrhea, nausea, hyperventilation, chest pain, rapid heart rate, paresthesias, restlessness, and frequent urinating (Widerhold, 33). Anxiety disorder is an exaggerated and excessive feeling of worry. (Warren and Zgourides, 164). The worries are often unrealistic and unreasonable. The person often worries about family, money, health, or work excessively (p165). It really is an unpleasant feeling. High level of an anxiety disorder leads to hypertension, fatal heart attack, coronary heart disease, and a risk of myocardial infarction. In addition, there is a correlation between sudden death on heart attack and high anxiety. (Widerhold, 33). Anxiety disorder is considered the one with the biggest health problem in the United State (Winning Ghinassi, 7). People in the United States who suffered from an anxiety disorder at one point in their life are about 60 million and counting (Winning Ghinnassi, 7). Two-thirds of women have an anxiety disorder (Myers, 462). Groups that are in lower socioeconomic, divorced or separated women, who are below the age of 45 have the largest incidence of the illness (Widerhold, 4). According to Sherman, ones who had suffered with an anxiety disorder have had abdominal pain, insomnia, or chest pain by 33%. As well as joint or limb pain, fatigue, or headache (Widerhold, 4). Treatments for an anxiety disorder are exposure, role-play or modeling, which are behavioral. Thought stopping/recording, mental distraction, psychodynamic, medication, biofeedback, and family therapy are all cognitive, which is also another type of treatment, according to Goisman (p5). According to Moffitt, children who were inhibited and maltreated often develop an anxiety disorder when they get older. However, the anxiety disorder becomes rare by the age of 50. Emotions tend to mellow as years passes according to Rubio and Lopez-Ibor. (Myers, 462). According to Sigmund Freud, there are two types of anxiety disorders: anxiety hysteria and anxiety neurosis. The difference between the two is that the cause of anxiety hysteria is psychogenic, and the cause of anxiety neurosis isnt psychogenic. Anxiety neurosis is extremely painful from the start, which is also known as panic attack or panic anxiety. And there is free-floating anxiety, which is when the anxiety happens slowly (Wolfe, 15). Moreover, phobic reaction and anxiety reaction are the two disorders of the anxiety hysteria and anxiety neurosis (Wolfe, 18). Phobic neurosis means phobic reaction, which is an extreme fear of a situation or of an object (p18). Agoraphobia, an irrational fear of open spaces or public is a type of a phobic disorder (p18). On the other hand, panic disorder is a state of an anxiety (p18). Panic attacks, anticipatory anxiety, and phobic avoidance behavior are what behavioral theorists consider as what agoraphobia consist of. Anticipatory anxiety and phobic avoidance are the main focus of behavioral theorists over panic attacks when treating an individual. It was discovered that panic attacks were able to block off without affecting generalized anxiety by antidepressant migraine (Wolfe, 18). Furthermore, other types of anxiety disorders are obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (Wininning Ghinassi, 7). Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a repetitive thoughts and actions (Myers, 463). Phobia is an irrational persistent fear and avoids certain object, situation, or activity (p462). Post-traumatic stress disorder is when a person is haunted by memories and has nightmares after a traumatic experience (p464). The common treatment for an anxiety disorder is pharmacological. But cognitive therapy, medication, behavioral therapy or a combination of them are the most effective treatment for an anxiety disorder. Prozac, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor is the most common choice because its not that addictive. Also, it has only a few of side effects. An anxiety may not be completely be eliminated by medication, but it reduces the anxietys level of intensity (Widerhold, 38) Furthermore, beta blockers, anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin, antipsychotic, anxiolytics, such as benzodiazepines and azapirones are the other effective medications (Winning Ghinassi, 98). Theyre just as effective as antidepressants, such as serotonin-norephinphrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), SSRIs and retricyclics. In addition, the new miracle drug is Prozac. Prozac also helps patients deal with lifes stresses aside from treating depressive and anxiety disorders. It has become more popular than Valium. Then theres also Paxil, but it has an unpleasant withdrawal syndrome (p99). Clearly, it takes more than willpower of an individual to overcome an anxiety disorder. Also, understanding of anxiety disorder has progressed throughout the years and has led to more options for effective treatment, as well as for comprehensive assessment. Why is intellectual property important? Why is intellectual property important? Intellectual property (IP) refers to a number of distinct types of legal monopolies over creations, both artistic and commercial, and to corresponding fields  of law and other types of rights that the law gives for the protection of investment in creative effort and knowledge creation.  Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions are some common types of intellectual property. Although, there have been several evolution of many of the legal principles governing intellectual property over centuries, it was only in the 19th century that the term intellectual property began to be used, and became a commonplace in the late 20th century in the United States. The Origin of copyright and patent law originate from The British Statute of Anne 1710 and the Statute of monopolies 1623 respectively.   However, intellectual property rights differ in one fundamental respect. The intangible, abstract objects constituting intellectual property have no natural, self-defining boundaries like physical objects do. In fact, they do not even exist until they are created by explicit definition and designation. For this reason, in addition to general property legislation, IPRs are covered by specific legal systems, and most forms of IPR require a specific registration procedure. Applications need to be made and examined by specialists in order for an IPR to be established. Frequently, the exact boundaries of an IPR subsequently become the subject of litigation between the holder and holders of related IPRs. In short, the transaction costs of acquiring and holding IPRs are much higher than for ordinary physical property. While the subject matter of intellectual property is intangible objects such as information, knowledge or ideas, intellectual property rights are expressed in practice as righ ts over the tangible products resulting from those intangible objects. For example, an industrial patent confers the exclusive right to manufacture the protected product or use the protected process, and copyright the exclusive right to perform the protected work of art or multiply it in the form of books, compact discs, etc. 1.2 TYPES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPRETY RIGHTS The main categories of intellectual property rights are: Patents: As the strongest form of IPR, patents are awarded subject to a thorough examination procedure. They confer a very high level of exclusive rights over an invention for a period of 20 years from the date of the application. Any use of the patented matter, except strictly private use, requires permission (license) from the owner. To receive a patent, an invention must fulfill three main criteria: novelty, non-obviousness (inventive step) and industrial applicability (usefulness). A detailed description of the invention must be submitted, which becomes public after the grant of the patent. Copyrights: As the name implies, and in contrast to patents, copyrights do not protect the intellectual content itself, only the reproduction of that content in tangible form. Copyright is granted without any registration or application procedure to authors of original works, and also to computer software and databases. A copyright holder cannot prevent others from using the copyrighted material in development of other original works, as long as it is not directly copied. The period of protection is normally  granted by adding 50 years to the life of the author, or 50 years  only when the author is a corporate body. Trademarks: Names, signs and symbols used to identify goods or services can be registered as trademarks. There is no limit to the period of protection  given the trademark continues to be used. Trade secrets: The right to keep trade secrets (confidential business information, undisclosed information) is protected through civil and/or criminal law. In the nature of the case, there is no registration procedure, nor is there any exclusive right guaranteed. Industrial designs: The form of an industrial product can be protected. Exact requirements for protection vary widely between countries. Layout designs (topographies) of integrated circuits: A recently created Sui generis2 IPR similar to copyright, although with much shorter term of protection, typically 10 years. Only the right to reproduction and distribution is protected, not use in further research and development. Plant breeders right: A Sui generis IPR specifically created to protect new plant varieties. Varieties can be registered provided they are new, stable, homogenous and distinguishable. Protection is similar to a copyright in that it protects the rights to sell and distribute propagating material, while use of the protected variety in further breeding and development is not restricted. The term of protection is comparable to that for patents, around 20 years. Geographical indications: Typically used for food products and in particular for wines and spirits, these are signs or names which  indicate that a product or service originates from a particular  geographical location. Utility model: Sometimes referred to as petty patents, this more unusual form of IPR provides protection for models and designs. Although there are normally requirements for novelty and inventive step, these are less strict than for patents, and examination is simpler or sometimes nonexistent. The term of protection is correspondingly shorter, typically less than 10 years. Expanding IPRs in Developing countries is still a major concern for policy makers and a constant topic of discussion and debate among the civil society. There is considerable speculation on the impact that expansion in IPRs will have on Research Development, technology transfer, and economic development in developing countries. 2.1 DEFINING DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Developing countries  a term referring a nation with a low level of material well being. There is no one single agreed upon internationally-recognized definition of developed country, where the levels of development may vary widely within some developing countries, which result in some developing countries having high average standards of living.   Some international organizations like  the World Bank strictly use   numerical classifications. The World Bank considers all low- and middle- income countries as developing. In its most recent classification, economies were divided using 2008 Gross National Income per capita. In 2008, countries with GNI per capita below US$11,905 were considered as developing countries. While other institutions use less specific definitions. Newly industrialised countries are those countries with a more advanced economy than other developing nations, but which have not yet completely demonstrated the signs of  developed country. Therefore,it seems quite difficult to get an exact definition for developing nations. The characteristics of developing countries can vary from one person or organization to another.  The World Trade Organization (WTO), for example, recognizes some nations as developing countries but mainly allows the members to classify themselves. Therefore for each, the standards and definition could differ. Generally, everyone agrees that developing countries are poor. But what is the meaning of poor? The range of poverty found  greatly varies in developing nations. A person from one developing country may travel to another which seems richer and may not realize that the two nations carry the same status. This reveals a common misconception; which is ,people believe that in developing nations everyone is poor. In almost every developing country, we can find wealth and luxury. However, these wealth and luxury is usually concentrated only among a small portion of the population, thus, the majority of the people are usually poor. The lack of income, skills and knowledge often affect the source of revenue and standard of living of the average citizens; Leaving large portions of the population, without water or electricity in their homes, and limited access to quality medical care. There may be inadequate military resources to protect the population during times of attack or unrest. Developing countries generally suffer from inadequate social services programs, if they have them at all. For that reason, it is common to find aid groups active in developing countries which provide the citizens with items, such as food, medicine, and education, which would be inaccessible to them otherwise. Other aid groups work is to  protect human rights, which are commonly violated. In the following sections, we present a conceptual analysis of the issues, challenges and options faced by developing countries in expanding their IPR framework. For a long time, Developing countries have been facing demand from developed nations to implement intellectual property rights. The main concern by the developed countries was to protect the inventions or innovations in the developing countries from the dishonest replication and copying. The debate among both developed and developing nations is getting more prevailing since the last two decades. The protection for the innovation has been extended from innovation to discovery, from mechanical devices to living organisms (Bystrà ¶m et al., 1999; chakravathi,1999); from privately funded research and development to publicly funded scientific and technological results; from information technology to information about scientific information (David, 2000); from industrial products and technological processes to services,financial and administrative methods (Lerner, 2000) and from `brick to `click trademarks (Bubert and B ning, 2001).However the emerging countries are divided on the basi s of their economic situation, foreign direct investment and technological sophistication.  The concern for the developing countries is the economic implications for the execution of such intellectual property regimes in their respective countries. The case can be even more harsh for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), where intellectual property rights are seen as the driver for the high technology cost, difficulties to access technology by the public. On the other hand, higher technology transfer with foreign direct investment may somehow excuse such establishment. However such `lucrative offers in exchange for intellectual property rights in the developing countries, are according to some developing countries, in view of the developed nations benefits and not to raise the economic conditions of those developing countries from their present states. The debate for the introduction of `proper intellectual property rights in the developed countries is motivated since the modern c ountries faced a menace to their innovative technological and non-technological inventions and their commercialization in the emergent countries. Until now, several measures, particularly led by the United States have  indeed  enforced the implementation of intellectual property rights in the developing countries, specifically backed by the strong business communities in the United States. 3.1 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Intellectual Property Rights are among those sensitive areas for developing countries whose correct execution and timing could boost the socio-economical situation of the developing countries. However, debates on the policies on intellectual property rights in the developing country have followed a pendulum like movement (Forero-Pineda, 2006). United Nations took the responsibility to highlight the importance of technology in trade and development, cooperated by independent economists from developing countries. The main dispute was the problem of monopoly and oligopoly in the technology markets thus preventing developing countries from having fair access to technology (Cruz, 1998) and its associated benefits. Penrose in 1951 also stressed that it is virtually inevitable for the developing countries to benefit from the strong intellectual property rights owned by  inventors  in the urbanized countries. From global welfare perspective, arguments on the fact that developing countrie s having weaker intellectual property necessarily means that  inventors  in industrialised countries would lose is not true, however only the relative economic benefits associated with such inventions could be less. From the years 1950s to 1980s, developing countries were able to abstain from the implementation of intellectual property rights, maintaining a special status in the IPR system (David, 1993, p.19). Regional trading blocs like Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA), the Andean Pact, and other pacts among the developing countries pursued the common system of intellectual property rights. In 1970, India was the first developing country to adopt a patent law with substantial restrictions on the patent holders (SUNS/IPS, 1995)3.  Raghavan in 2001 argued that the choice of process patents rather than product patents allowed local production of imported products given that the use of a different process was demonstrated. Such legislation in India had the biggest impact on its pharmaceutical industry, making it one of most competitive in pharmaceutical research and development. Those practices were carried out in Brazil and Argentina which set up their own national offices which wer e charge of controlling technology transfer and contracting. Yet those practices and initiatives could not pilot a consolidated intellectual property and technology transfer offices, in lines to the European countries (Cruz, 1998).  In the mid 1980s, a shift in this scenario began to occur on the United States Government initiative. Responding to the concerns of the US based firms, and in context to the agreements with advanced countries, David, in the year 1993, concluded that US followed `a direct, unilateral course of action, instead of renegotiating the international intellectual property rights agreements i.e., Paris or Bern Conventions. Such type of intellectual property regulation was further enacted in Uruguay round of 1990s negotiations, as part of conditions to join the World Trade  Organization. In developing countries, the terms of the debate changed beyond what could be expected; Local interests in support of enforcing stronger intellectual property protection had emerged, together with the commercialization of imported goods and with the development of local technology. Products such as software, video films and music are easier to copy than traditional industrial products are to copy. For this reason, copyrights have been the focal point of debate for less developed countries, whereas in newly industrialized countries, both in Asia and Latin America, patents and trademarks are issues. Passing from 1970s and 1980s, very recently the debate for introduction of intellectual property rights in different systems within different regions of developing countries have spurred. The main concern, as obvious was raised by the highly influential business lobbies and association in most the developed nations, led by United States. As discussed earlier, United States rebound to the similar kind of strategy by offering market access, technology transfers and foreign direct investments in the (developing) countries, which will successfully implement the intellectual property regimes. Somehow, this was and still a very lucrative incentive for the developing countries, which would definitely raise their present economical conditions, however the policy makers in these countries have different perspective. The  u-turn in the developed countries strategy is to position differently the impact of implementation of intellectual property protection in developing countries, as it was do ne in negotiations at Doha Round of the WTO on  the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The  Doha Round of discussion was meant to exclude the development related IPR issues as the cost of medicines, agricultural products, bio-diversity or genetic materials (Lall, 2003). Doha Declaration classified the countries based on their domestic technological imports, research and development and their innovation system. 4.1 IPR IS IT A BENEFIT OR A DETRIMENT  FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES? According to World Bank Global Economic Perspective, there are certain specific reasons for developed countries, and interestingly for the developing countries to follow the TRIPS agreement, i.e., it may provide developing countries better access to agricultural and apparel markets in rich nations, an expectation that stronger IPRs would also encourage additional technology transfer and innovation.   However, according to World Bank,  the promise for long-term benefits seems uncertain and costly to achieve in many nations, especially the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). In addition, the administrative costs and problems with higher prices for medicines and key technological inputs loom large in minds of policy makers in developing countries. Many are pushing for significant provisions in the agreement. Certain developing countries also applied for the provisions in implementation for the patent protection, particularly in pharmaceutical industry. Certainly there are specific short-term costs associated with intellectual property rights for the developing countries, like higher prices for the technology and protected products. Given this, the case for stronger intellectual property rights in these countries must rest on long term benefits like larger technology or foreign direct investment inflows and stronger stimuli to local innovation. This  would be an economic case only if the present value of these benefits is more than the present value of these costs. Given the mechanics of the compound interest, this means that the long-term benefits would have to be very large indeed, particularly if they accrue after some time. Some countries have also agreed to support TRIPS in return for the concessions in other (non technological) spheres of economic activity, such as larger aid, freer access to developed country markets for primary exports and so on. Whether they actually benefited in these ways remains an open question, since neither the costs nor the benefits of TRIPS related concessions have been properly measured. However the discussion might be fruitful, if the implementation of intellectual property rights are associated with the state of economy of the country in which it is being implemented, for instance in the case of developing countries. One main fact regarding the IPR is the certainness of the benefits to developed countries by implementing the intellectual property rights in developing countries. Nevertheless such implementation would also stimulate the local innovation in the developing countries, allowing them to import the foreign technologies and have hands-on experience in learning and using the technologies. The state in which  present developing countries is analogy of the state in which the developed countries were in the era of their industrialization, by having weak intellectual property rights, to promote, build and foster the development of local firms and industries. Theory also suggests that the benefits of IPRs rise with income and that at very low levels the costs o f strengthening IPRs may well outweigh the gains. In a world where  so many industrial country firms are acquiring strong  intellectual property rights, often covering fundamental research tools (e.g., tools used for genetic transformation) and marketable products, it is becoming difficult for developing countries to play isolationist and ignore IPR policies. Given the concerns highlighted in the previous sections, the challenge for policy makers in developing countries is to strike a balance between their need to access modern technologies and developed countries need to access the markets and biodiversity. Policy makers in developing countries need to also ensure that the Research and Development sector serves the country well and safeguard the interests of local companies Scope of protection Policy makers face the difficult task of defining the scope and breadth of protection (within the minimum standards framework defined by WTO) so as to maximize social welfare and to achieve certain distributional objectives. Too weak protection may lead firms to invest less than socially desirable in the creation of new knowledge. Overly stringent protection may lead to wasteful research spending as firms compete to be first to innovate, which may make public research more socially desirable than private Research Development. Only rarely will a single level of protection for all technologies or sectors maximize domestic welfare as the trade-off between the economic benefits of innovation and imitation will depend upon the sector involved. Complying with various international treaties. Developing countries are under pressures of not only the TRIPS Agreement but also other international treaties and conventions such as CBD, which have conflicting requirements in terms of protecting a countrys natural resources and intellectual property. The laws and regulations for intellectual property protection in developing countries have to meet the international standards and practices specified in the TRIPS Agreement and, the CBD (if they are members of both treaties). If they chose to join UPOV they will also be bound to accept the requirements of the UPOV Convention. Social and Administrative costs. IPRs may have social costs if the granting of temporary monopolies, lead to excessive rent seeking by firms. To minimize these social costs, governments will need to ensure competition from both private and public sector. The public sector may have to play an important role in continuing research in traditional crops and technologies and strengthening capacity in modern biotechnology research.   Legislation without implementation is of little value; and implementing the IPR system involves a number of administrative and institutional costs to the society. These include the costs involved in developing the appropriate laws and enforcement mechanisms within each country. Patent examiners need special training to deal with biotechnological applications or countries need to hire new examiners with degrees in biology and biotechnology. For PVP, an appropriate administrative system must be established. WIPO and UPOV operate training schemes for developing countries and provide assistance to those seeking to implement the TRIPS Agreement. Empirical evidence suggests that these direct costs to the society could be particularly large in a developing country. Enforcement legislation.   TRIPS is the first agreement in the IPR field to create direct obligations to enforce the protection granted. It sets standards both for civil and criminal law. In the fields of copyrights and trademarks, it also requires that customs authorities assist right holders in preventing trade with counterfeited or pirated goods. For most developing countries, there will be a need both for new legislation and perhaps even more for strengthening capacity in the judiciary, in customs, and in the police force. Particularly in countries where illegal trade in copyrighted or trademarked goods is widespread, this may be a major implication of TRIPS. Infrastructure and human capacity. In many cases, TRIPS will entail a considerable need for investment in infrastructure and human capacity. New forms of IPR, as well as expansion of existing systems to new fields of protection, will require increased numbers of staff, better training, and new computer and administrative systems. The expansion of IPRs to living organisms will require access to systems for deposition of biological material and facilities for identification of plant varieties, both entirely new branches of activity for most developing country IPR administrations. Costs of implementation. Apparently, no attempts at estimating the costs of TRIPS implementation were made prior to the finalization of the agreement. Some rough estimates done later by UNCTAD and the World Bank (UNCTAD 1996, Finger Schuler 1999) have not yielded reliable figures but indicate that the costs may be substantial, in the magnitude of 10 or more million dollars per country. Costs can be expected to be relatively higher in less developed countries, because they start from a lower level of IPR legislation. It is likely that in many developing countries, much of this cost will need to be covered by development assistance funds, at least the initial investment in new legislation, infrastructure and human capacity. At any rate, especially in LDCs, TRIPS implementation will directly compete for resources with other development needs. However, IPRs can also be beneficial to Developing countries.It is widely assumed, especially at the policy level in developed countries, that strengthened IPR protection will generate economic benefits for developing countries. It has also been argued that this will more than offset the cost of TRIPS implementation. In particular, the importance of strong IPRs for attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) is routinely cited as a key mechanism to this effect. The scientific literature is however inconclusive on this point. There are studies which demonstrate some correlation. But there are also studies which document substantial increases in FDI despite weak IPR protection (Kirim 1985, cited in South Centre 1997), and studies which show little correlation between strengthened IPR protection and changes in FDI. The provisional scientific consensus appears to be that the level of IPR protection most likely is one factor influencing FDI decisions, but far from the only one and not usually the decisive one. With standardization of IPR protection under TRIPS, differences in this respect will no longer exist and other factors will decide FDI choices. Moreover, it has been argued that the TRIPS agreement may also lead to reductions in the flow of FDI (South Centre, 1997); with stronger IP protection, the risk of imitation will be lower and title-holders may prefer export of products rather than local production in export market countries. It has also been pointed out that any benefits will likely be concentrated in NICs, while LDCs and other countries at the opposite end of the development scale will risk net costs even over the longer term (UNCTAD 1996). Strictly speaking, however, even if economic benefits from strengthened IPR protection could be conclusively demonstrated, they would not be benefits of TRIPS implementation, but of IPR implementation. Also before TRIPS, developing countries were free to implement TRIPS levels of IPR protection, or indeed higher levels, if they saw fit. None of the potential benefits of IPRs depend on the existence of TRIPS. What would need to be demonstrated are benefits of having mandatory minimum standards of IPR protection, which is the only new contribution of TRIPS. These administrative costs may only be partially borne by governments.Patent and trademark offices can be self-financing operations through the levies from application and renewal fees. A careful balance has to be struck, however, between generating revenues for the administrative office and keeping fees sufficiently low so as not to exclude small-scale inventors from the IPR system. An alternative to reduce administrative costs is to contract researchers at universities and other institutions to provide technical reports (the cost of which should be borne by the applicants). Another alternative is to provide for a deferred system (which exists in many countries), whereby a special request for examination needs to be made by the applicant during a certain period (UNCTAD 1996). The rationale for this system is that some inventors may decide to abandon the application, thus reducing the number of applications to be examined by the patent office. Yet another option for keeping the costs of running the patent system down, as is the case in South Africa, is to not require any patent examinations and let the patent holders defend their patents in court. 5.1 FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED Administrative costs are likely to increase with the implementation of the IPR framework. But these should be viewed in light of the costs of alternatives. Thus, an important question that policy makers need to address is whether the costs of setting up a patent or a PVP system are large relative to the cost of strengthening public sector research and development in agriculture? Intellectual property protection provides greater benefits than costs in the advancement of science, technology, and economic performance. However, the benefits of intellectual property protection often accrue in the future, thereby making the near-term costs seem large. The protection benefits both private and the public sectors and it is the allocation of the return, which is determined by public policy. Yet another factor that policy makers need to consider in establishing an IP system is the cost of protection to the innovators as well. The standard system of patenting would be inaccessible for many small entrepreneurs and grassroots innovators due to limited resources and their risk-averse nature. National governments may have to think about establishing innovative low cost system like Petty Patents that can ensure protection for shorter time at lower cost (Gupta 1999).12 Petty patent will help small entrepreneurs to explore the commercial application of their invention in a given (shorter) time. Later they can choose to go for regular patent or else their petty patent expires and their invention becomes part of regular prior art. Some recommendations on how developing countries can reduce the cost of implementing  IPR: Developing countries need to be given a greater sense of ownership and involvement in the IPR system. Many  see TRIPs as primarily a mechanism for shifting profits to creative interests in rich countries. Thus it is important for developed countries and multilateral organizations to provide adequate technical and financial assistance for implementation of the new standards in developing nations, to remove impediments to future technology flows, and to meet and extend their own commitments to liberalize market access for products of interest to poorer countries (notably apparel and agriculture). Assistance should aim to develop rights and opportunities suitable to the needs of entrepreneurs, inventors, and artists in poor economies. Analysis is also needed of potential mechanisms for securing the rights of developing countries to export interests of their own such as geographical indications, traditional knowledge, and genetic resources. Sensible methods need to be found for balancing rights of patent holders in pharmaceuticals against users needs for product availability at reasonable cost. Evidence  in the book points to potentially large increases in drug prices in developing countries as patents are implemented. Governments should work to offset these impacts by using innovative procurement programs. In particular, development and transfer of treatments and vaccines for diseases in the poorest countries should be expanded via public-private partnerships. WTO members should not rush to expand multilateral protection in controversial areas until we know more about how new systems function. Requiring  broad scope for biotechnology patents, and extending them to plant and animal varieties, could damage the interests of lagging countries in return for little gain in innovation. Many countries need to adopt or strengthen systems of plant breeders rights and it would be premature to req

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

salinger Essay -- essays research papers

LIFE AND PHILOSOPHY OF J.D. SALINGER J.D. Salinger is one of the most renowned writers of his time. J. D. Salinger is most known for his controversial in the Catcher in the Rye. Salinger is also known for many of his writings such as Franney and Zooey, Nine Stories, and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters. The summer of 1930 he was voted â€Å"The Most Popular Writer†. â€Å"Salinger is a beautifully deft, professional who gives us a chance to catch quick, half-amused, half-frightened glimpses of ourselves and our contemporaries, as he confronts us with his brilliant mirror images† (Lomazoff 1). In the novel, Catcher in the Rye, there is a relationship between the main character, Holden Caulfield, and Salinger. J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye explicitly demonstrates his life and philosophy in relation to his work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Salinger was born January 1, 1919 in New York City. He was the second of two children. He had an older sister named Doris. His parents were Sol and Marie Salinger. His father was Jewish, and his mother was Scotch-Irish. He was raised up in Manhattan during 1920’s and early 1930’s. His parents enrolled him in McBurney Prep School in 1932. He flunked and his parents sent him to Valley Forge Military Academy, Pennsylvania. Later, after graduating he was drafted into the military and was known for carrying a typewriter around so he could write and publish stories. His perspective on life was molded by his experience in World War II. The ...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

IPSec Policies Essay

IPSec protocols facilitate encrypting data that is being transmitted over the network thus enhancing security and confidentiality of the data. First, it is important to note that IPSec is regularly employed at a Group Security level and it is not generally compatible with all the available operating systems. IPSec is compatible only with Windows operating system series: 2000, XP and 2003. Windows operating system basically consists of three built-in IPSec policies according to Posey (2004). First, is the Server Policy which in other words is called Request-Security Policy. This means that wherever it is applied, the system requests IPSec encryption so as to allow communication between another computer and the main machine. Besides, if that other computer does not support IPSec encryption, the session is allowed to remain encrypted. Second is the Client Policy which in other words is called response-only policy as it does not at all ask for IPSec encryption. Nevertheless, when another device in the network asks for IPSec encryption, a system that applies Client Policy responds by permitting encryption of sessions. Third, is the Secure Server Policy which calls for IPSec encryption for all incoming link requests made to the server. Thus, it does not sustain non-encrypted sessions. However, this policy exempts ICMP traffic to allow connect without any encryption requirements (Posey, 2004). In Win2k3, IPSec facilities in provision of security-in-depth against cyber attacks propagated by hackers and/or un-trusted devices in the network. Internet Protocol security shields devices against attacks in environments such as virtual private network (VPN), host-to-host, secure server and site-to-site or router-to-router. IPSec applies cryptography and packet filtering to secure networks. These features ensure user authentication, data privacy and integrity as well as reliable communication. In this regard, a few requirements which must be met while setting-up IPSec policies in Win2k3. First, in case a system entails ‘Active Directory –based IPSec policy’, then group policy and active directory have to be configured properly, necessary trusts defined, and application of necessary permissions. Second, every device in the network must be assigned IPSec policy compatible that of others in the network. Third, authentication procedures have to be built up properly and identified in IPSec policy to allow for mutual authentication amid IPSec peers. Fourth, routers and additional filtering devices need to be configured properly to allow IP Security protocol interchange on various parts of the shared network. Fifth, all the computers must have IPSec-supportive operating system and incase they have different operating system, compatibility issues of the IPSec policies have to be addressed. Sixth, IPSec-based connections have to be sufficiently sized besides maintaining the amount of IP Security policies at a minimum. Finally, it is necessary that all system administrators are provided with proper training so as to be able to configure the IPSec policies (Microsoft Corporation, 2010). To successfully implement IPSec in Win2k3, the above steps have to be carried out or seen to be done effectively. It is therefore important to ensure they are observed to the latter although certain distinct procedures have to be observed while implementing IPSec policies. To start with, Bird (2007a) writes that the functionality of IPSec is provided on a Win2k3 via IPSec Services. Therefore, while initially configuring IPSec, it is important to ensure that it is operating in the server. This can be done by checking for IPSec functionality withinn the Services MMC. Besides, the Services MMC is accessible via the Administrative Tools menu in the domain controller. The service is put together so that it starts routinely by default. The second important process during implementation of IPSec policy is to choose and assigns a proper IPSec policy. Once IPSec policies are assigned, it is in order to define the specific actions to be executed on arriving network interchange which meets or does not meet a specific criteria. Both IPSec components and policies are configured via IPSec ‘Policy Management MMC snap-in’. Accordingly, Bird (2007a) in his work states that there is no other way to access MMC in Administrative Tools menu and one has ‘to open a blank MMC’ before adding a snap-in. Consequently, the author argues that to access properties of a prevailing rule, so as to modify or change it, one can do this ‘by double-clicking the rule from within the IPSec Security Policies snap-in’. Such page of properties for default policies appears as in the below diagram. Fig. 1 Server Properties NB: Bird, 2007a. Implement IPSec on Windows Server 2003. The IPSec policy consists of regulations that stipulate the type of traffic entailed in the policy and methods used for authentication procedures. Additionally, an IPSec policy encompasses traffic occurrences in cases where it meets specified criteria or not (Bird, 2007a). Thirdly, another important procedure during implementation is referred to as filtering action. It entails specifying whether or not the defined IPSec rule applies to the entire network connections. For instance whether connections emanating from the Local Area Network and/or from remote links. As Indicated in the figure above, the policy consists of three distinct rules. The first rule stipulates that security needs to be called for all the existing IP traffic and that it should Kerberos requires to be applied to enhance encryption (security and privacy) and authentication procedures. Second rule stipulates that the entire ICMP traffic for instance tracert and ping should be granted access without any requirement for security measures. Third rule which is also the default rule stipulates what happens to the network traffic that does not match to any of the rules (Ibid, 2007a). As earlier stated that there exists three distinct IPSec policies, Client policy (Respond policy) is more common although one can be required to create an IPSec policy from scratch. Therefore, for the purpose of this document it is only an overview of Client and Server Policies implementation that are considered. Bird (2007b) in his work takes a closer look at implementation of Client policy on Win2k3 and argues that it distinctly moderate compared to the others. In this environment, when a client applies for an IPSec connection, it is awarded based on security request. It is important to note that authentication procedures in Win2k3 and Active Directory encompass Kerberos as the default method. However, IPSec on Win2k3 supports pre-shared keys as well as digital certificates as alternative methods for authentication. As earlier mentioned, successful IPSec implementation process consists of three processes basically: assigning, configuring and monitoring. In assigning IPSec policy, you first select it in the IPSec Policy Management MMC snap-in, right-click and then activate it. It is only one policy which can be assigned at any given time without necessarily refreshing the policy manually. However, while assigning IPSec via Group Policy, a manual refresh is necessary. At such point, Win2k3 is sufficiently prepared to respond to any requests for inward bound IPSec connections (Bird, 2007b). Configuring or enabling the functionality of IPSec can either be done manually or via Group Policy in case of deployment on sizeable number of clients. In manual configuration, IPSec policy is configured simply by via Local Security Policy MMC in the Control Panel Administrative Tools menu. IPSec policy snap-in is included into the Administrative Tools menu by default. Alternatively, the Control Panel Administrative Tools menu can be accessed by clicking Start, Run and then typing Secpol. msc in the field. It is in the IPSec policy snap-in where one makes use present policy and/or builds a new one. For instance, where Server policy is implemented on workstation, ‘requests to non-IPSec enabled hosts’ are allowed without IPSec and on the other hand, ‘connections to hosts that do support IPSec’ uses encryption. Subsequently, Bird (2007b) writes that up on configuration of IPSec it is in order to monitor and validate the performance of IPSec traffic. This is usually done by using IPSec Monitor MMC snap-in via navigating through the Statistics folder in the system. These statistics consists of the data quantity received or sent in encrypted format as well as number of existing security associations. Furthermore the author states that IPSec acts as a supplement to the network troubleshooting. Hence, at any point in time where connectivity matters arise, one must examine the source of the problem in either the basic network structure or the IPSec. It is important to note that where security of the data is a key consideration, one can comfortably assign, configure, and monitor the IPSec via using Microsoft tools and software.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rituals in anthropology essays

Rituals in anthropology essays Rituals are a significant part of our society and the way we live our lives. They are important because they give us a sense of security and loyalty to a group. Rituals are also a main aspect of religion, and studying the differences among cultures helps us gain a greater understanding of how rituals influence our lives. We perform rituals to demonstrate our values and beliefs, to pray, and many times to reinforce unity within a group. Certain rituals become so fixed in our everyday routine, we dont realize we are performing them. Anthropologists believe that ritual has existed since the very beginning of our time. Some believe that it is ritual that has kept us here so long, and without this regular practice, we would not have the security or solidarity needed to survive. Invariably, there are things in life that we cannot control, no matter how hard we try. Rituals are a way of increasing our command while creating a comfort zone. The articles that are going to be discussed deal wi th ritual in ancient societies, the way they relate to modern rituals and the presence of rituals in a cultural activity such as baseball. The first article Rituals of Death: Capital Punishment and Human Sacrifice is a unique comparison of ancient Aztec rituals of human sacrifice in Mexico and capital punishment in America. Human sacrifice was a part of the offerings for the gods, whose hearts and blood were considered the supreme gift. Similarly, capital punishment can be seen has a modern day form of human sacrifice. In this article Elizabeth Purdum compares these two rituals with an analysis of each according to the sequential order in which the rituals are performed. She begins by giving a brief explanation of who is put to death. The Aztecs sacrificed an estimated total of 20,000 to 250,000 people annually. Most of the human sacrifices were male war captives from other tribes, and sometimes children sold to priests by poor....

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Getting Transcripts for Graduate School Admissions

Getting Transcripts for Graduate School Admissions An essential, often forgotten component to your graduate admissions application is your academic transcript. Your graduate application is not complete until your official academic transcript is received. What Is an Official Academic Transcript? Your official academic transcript lists all the courses that you have taken and your grades earned. It is official because it is sent directly from your college or university to the graduate admissions office and it bears the official college or university stamp, signifying its validity. How Do You Request Your Official Academic Transcript? Request your transcripts by contacting the Registrars Office at your university. Stop by the office and you can complete a series of forms, pay fees, and youre on your way. Some institutions allow students to request transcripts online. Visit the Registrars Office webpage to determine if your institution provides online transcript services. What Do You Need to Request Your Official Academic Transcript? Have the addresses for all the graduate schools to which you are applying on hand. Youll need to provide the Registrars Office with each address. Be prepared to pay a fee for each transcript that you request, typically $10-$20 each. When Do You Request Your Official Academic Transcript? Regardless of whether you request your transcript online or in person, you must process your transcript order early, well before the admissions deadline. What many applicants dont realize is that the official transcript is sent directly from the Registrars Office at their university to the graduate admissions offices of the schools to which they are applying. The Registrars Offices of most institutions require at least 10 business days or about 2 weeks to send official transcripts. It’s a good idea to check with your university well beforehand to ensure that you request your official academic transcripts on time. In addition, the admissions season is a very busy time, so it’s a good idea to request transcripts even earlier than the guidelines set by the Registrars Office. Allow for time to resend the transcripts if necessary. Sometimes transcripts are lost in the mail. Your graduate admissions application is not complete until your official academic transcripts are received, so dont let something silly like missing transcripts jeopardize your application.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Revise paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Revise paper - Essay Example Can the word bitch be used to refer to any woman? If it can, then does it indicate a woman who is unlikable, mean, obnoxiously independent and whorish? Can the word bitch be used to refer to a woman in a good way? Can it be used as a term of empowerment to indicate a self-confident and strong woman instead of being employed in a degrading and harmful way?(Celious 4) These are fundamental questions that observers of rap especially in the US have continued to ask. These issues arise from the fact that over the past ten years, more and more female rappers have proclaimed themselves as â€Å"bitches†. Their use of the word bitch is meant to indicate the independence and strength of a woman as opposed to degrading the woman. The concern triggers the debate as to whether the word bitch has been re-appropriated. The paper renders itself to exploring the extent to which the word has been re-appropriated. It also brings up the argument as to the real meaning of the use of the word bitch by women indicative of empowerment while, in essence, the word continues to perform a degrading role. The issue arises from a sequence of discussions in magazines, movies and television programs that have rendered themselves to speaking about the current style of female rappers defining themselves as bitches as if it was a non-derogatory and powerful term. There are two schools of thought in response to this fundamental question. One school of thought regards the activities of the female artists to be empowering while the other school of thought sees them as debilitating. Those that argue that the actions are empowering suggest that products of culture such as media have no standard message. The message they communicate can be interpreted in numerous ways for different ends. On the other hand, those that suggest that the actions are debilitating are of the view that cultural products such as media indeed have

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assignment4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assignment4 - Assignment Example It is simple for learners to get disappointed in a class of blended capability. Stronger students may feel kept down weaker people may feel compelled. The instructor may feel focused. The best answer for this is to have an open-class talk about the classroom circumstance - to guarantee the best for everybody it is better to recognize the circumstances and for everybody to concur how to manage it. It is most likely best to stage and structure the talk (Reyes, 2014). All classes are blended capacity to one degree or an alternate. Great cases, when you have close local level speakers with novices, could be extremely trying for the instructor. In these cases, it is vital to recall that all learners will get something out of the class, however not so much the same things, and not so much, what you expect to show them! For instance, the tenderfoots may start to get a grip of your classroom dialect whilst the stronger understudies may start to have the capacity to put another strained into utilization. A class of thirty students learning English in a mixed ability class can be very tedious and challenging for any teacher. In this class, there will be a percentage of students that will not be at the same pase as other students. Grade four English is one of the fundamental bases of English. One needs to pass this stage of English so that they can be conversant and fluent with English. A grade four English teaches the students how to read and write new vocabularies, presenting and language structure. These are very vital in learning how to speak and writing the English language. The formative differences that exists in any optional and/or upper auxiliary school requests that instructors can consider the circumstances and make a move, they should proficient to utilize techniques that make it feasible for all scholars to encounter accomplishment by means applying the perfect specified in the educational program under the heading (Solatorio, 2014). Multi-level

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reading Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Assignment - Essay Example The case of California Marinas illustrates that global warming has other ill effects to the environment and that it has economic consequence not only in terms of loss of lives and properties but also on the income foregone when it ruins the basis of basis which in this case, drying waters in the Marina dock which turns potential customers away. Drying the waters due to dry spell also has other consequences that harm business. It also threatens our food security such as in the case of Castro Valley in California where the agriculture sector also suffered from the dry spell. Time will come that if we will not change our ways to begin taking care of our environment, storms will not only become stronger but will also ruin our business and destroy our crops that we will no longer have source of income nor food to eat. Since the inception of the Drought Monitor in 2000, the entire state of California has recently experienced the three worst stages of drought. This level of drought is the highest stage affecting entire state California. It used to be unthinkable but it is happening now. Unlike in Castro Valley where the drought dried up the waters of its Marina dock turning customers away and in some areas harming its agriculture, the experience of San Diego and San Clemente are more deadly. These areas experienced seven wildfires where raze of fire was so huge that their smoke plumes can be seen by satellite and radar. These wild fires are caused by hot, dry conditions where the dry vegetation acts like a fuel for the fires. Coupled with gusty winds, these wildfires can spread the fire to other areas that could kill people and destroy properties. The destructive effective of global warming are taking its toll in many unusual ways. It no longer manifests in terms of storms and hurricanes, but also in rising seas. In many areas, it causes long droughts that cause water basins to dry up harming people’s livelihood. It also threatens our food security

Monday, October 28, 2019

Once Were Warriors Essay Example for Free

Once Were Warriors Essay â€Å"Forget the big players in the world; it is the people in the margins of our society whose stories are most compelling. † To what extent do you agree with this statement? Respond to this question with close reference to one or more text(s) you have studied. The Heke family that feature in the ground-breaking New Zealand film from 1994, ‘Once were warriors’ directed by Lee Tamahori are clearly a family living on the margins of society. They live in a state house next to a busy and noisy motorway in South Auckland, New Zealand. Their story is undoubtedly a compelling one: an abusive husband with a love of beer drinking and parties who gains respect from the use of his fists at the local pub; a long-suffering wife who has somehow managed to hold the family together through an obviously tumultuous 18 year marriage; a disillusioned older son who flees the dysfunctional household to join a gang; a pubescent daughter who is the de-facto mother of the family; another son who has gotten in with the wrong crowd and is committing petty theft and two younger children, Polly and Huata. Director Lee Tamahori uses a range of camera and sound techniques, dialogue and compelling themes to teach us about the dangers of excessive alcoholism and moving away from our ancestral connections. Jake ‘the muss’ Heke is a compelling protagonist. After being laid off from his job, he uses his redundancy money to bring home seafood for his family. We are initially positioned to see him as a loving and caring family man, that is until his wife Beth discovers he has been laid off and sees her dreams of buying their own home go out the window. Jake is a man of excuses who sees the dole as being â€Å"only 15 bucks a week less than my wages† and bursts into a tirade of abuse when his wife Beth resists his sexual advances after discovering the truth. Jake also excuses his own propensity for violence when he says, â€Å"Look when I get like that, get out of my way, but you’ve got to get all lippy on me. Sure I’ve a temper, but who hasn’t? † It is apparent that Jake has an inferiority complex dating right back to his courting days of Beth saying â€Å"I was never bloody good enough† and that he descends from a â€Å"long line of slaves† unlike Beth who originates from more upper-class Maori roots. What this highlights is that domestic violence, while inexcusable can often have its origin in insecurities from years beforehand. This is why men in particular need to seek help when they are struggling with issues instead of resorting to excessive bing-drinking to numb emotional pain. Jake’s wife, Beth is also on the margins of society as we see her struggling to raise her family amidst all the physical and verbal abuse around her. Gradually the low angle shots of Beth become more prominent as her courage to stand up to her abusive husband increases as also seen in her dialogue. I won’t have any more of these parties or your bloody ugly mongrel mates coming over. † Tragically, Beth’s surge in power in response to Jake’s failure to take the family to see Boogie in the Boy’s home comes too late, as unbeknownst to her, Uncle Bully has raped her daughter, Grace sending her into a downward spiral which culminates in her suicide. Beth’s cou rage in standing up to Jake and restoring the family without him is compelling. It must have inspired many women across New Zealand and indeed the world to leave behind dysfunctional and violent domestic set-ups. The fabulous low-key lighting and low angle shot of Beth at the end as she calmly informs Jake that ‘from now on I make the decisions for my family’ is inspirational and reminds us of the ‘mana, pride and spirit’ that many Maori have. She finally goes ‘home’ to her Maori ancestral roots as well as literally home to restore her devastated family in the wake of Jake’s departure. Perhaps the most compelling story of hope in the film is that of younger son, Boogie who is ‘sent into welfare’ after the state decides his family can no longer control him after his mother, Beth fails to accompany him to a court hearing (due to suffering a beating and rape at the hands of Jake) as a result of a string of petty crimes. Boogie finally gets the tough love he needs from Maori man, Bennett a distinguished tane who teaches Boogie to use ‘his taiaha on the inside,’ instead of on the outside. Boogie learns that true mana is found by using your mind and developing the inner-strength and resolve to solve problems instead of resorting to violence. Bennett, initially called a ‘black bastard’ by Boogie despite being Maori trains Boogie to reconnect with his maori tikanga and culture which effectively clears up Boogie’s confusion about his Maori identity and that this can be a source of pride. This shows that with the appropriate guidance, initially wayward youth can have a chance to redeem themselves, although this is a job parents and to a lesser extent teachers need to be doing. State foster homes should only be a last resort. In conclusion, ‘Once Were Warriors’ left an indelible mark on the psyche of many New Zealanders with its brutal violence and depiction of problems such as binge-drinking and poverty that previously were swept under the carpet. Only by examining characters on the margins of society can we truly learn how easy it is to get there ourselves if we do not value our families, our education or seek help when we are struggling with issues from our past. The story of the Heke family is a compelling one and a story we would do well to consider seriously.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dress Code :: essays research papers

Dress code has been the biggest topic between the Board officials and parents. There have been many decisions and arguments that were worked out by administration and local school, often at the request of parents. There should be a dress code for students for several reasons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many public schools today are making dangerous decisions and these decisions may end up saving someone's life. The decisions are about school uniforms and dress codes. Public schools are beginning to open their eyes to the real world and see what their students are wearing and what the clothes are about. Some schools have banned any clothes with inappropriate symbols or sayings. Baggy wear is very dangerous. Schools are now even taking away the privilege of those clothes for the reason that weapons and other dangerous, illegal items may be smuggled in under loose pants, hats, shirts and jackets.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cost of maintaining a stylish wardrobe can be expensive. Many families have more important things to spend their money on than the image of school children. The dress code may be a way to keep the costs of school down for those families. In some schools, there has even been fighting or stealing based on expensive sneakers or jewelry. There are many clothes in fashion for boys and girls which are not appropriate for school dress. Good taste and common sense should dictate parental and student choice of school clothes. The school will determine what is not appropriate dress, even if it conforms to current fashion. Also, school dress should not be viewed as a daily fashion show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this essay I had many compelling reason why there should be dress codes for students. I think that schools should have dress codes because it they can help people